If you would like to support Vessel by receiving our newsletters and by praying for us please get in touch with your details and indicate you would like to be added to our mailing list via the Contact page.
You can make a donation in support of us and Vessel activities through our Partner account with Stewardship ( how this works to provide our support is explained below and the link to access our account and make a regular or one off donation is here :
The story so far … and recent developments …
The Vessel Trust was established and registered as a charitable trust in 2014 and support for us and our work has been enabled through the Trust which has worked well for the last ten years. We are now entering a new chapter. Along with the trustees, we have made the decision to transfer the charitable base and financial administration of our work to Stewardship. Stewardship is a charitable organisation which has acted as an umbrella for many independent ministries working in a variety of community and church contexts.
They provide an administrative platform to enable individuals in Christian ministry to receive financial support (for living and ministry expenses) in order that they can give more of their time to the work to which they are called.
How does it work?
Stewardship will act as the accounting body in order that we are compliant with charity commissioners requirements for independent Christian workers.Making this change will lift a lot of the administrative weight of running a Trust from our shoulders and free us up to do this work.
We will continue to offer Vessel activities as we have done and our Board of Trustees will become our Support Group; continuing to give us a regular space in which to be accountable and reflect on our ministry.
The practical action bit!
For you as our supporters there will be one change which is that donations will now need to be made via our Stewardship account which is now active.
The link is here:
We are aiming to complete the move over to Stewardship by the middle of March and the existing CAF Donate route for donations will be closed down by the end of March. If you have been supporting us through regular monthly (with or without gift aid) we would be so
If you have supported us through one off donations we would be so grateful if you could continue to do so through Stewardship, via the same link. If you are in a position to consider a regular donation that would also be greatly appreciated as it helps us meet our budget. Thank you so much for your donations in support of us in this ministry. Whether regular or one-off, large or small it all helps build a community of support partners. This means a great deal to us, as does the support of your prayers and friendship.
The Vessel Trust has been set up to serve a need. We wish to create, for those who want or need it, a ‘vessel’ in which we can offer, carry or hold the precious treasure of our relationship with God and the service of our lives in the world. Our desire is to keep this simple (both structurally and spiritually) as far as we are able; a community based on relationships rather than an organisation driven by programmes. The activities of Vessel matter because of the people involved in them and not the other way round. Individuals support the work of Vessel first and foremost by their presence, and the work will continue for as long as it is useful and serves its purpose.
We need to be accountable and responsible within this and the Support Group offer encouragement and guidance To find out about the vision and purpose of Vessel and our guiding principles read more.